Posts with the category “pakistan”

Revival Breaking Out In Pakistan
by Pastor Richard Spears on June 6th, 2024
God is doing amazing things as we ministered to 6,921 precious people with 6,187 people receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Every person who accepts Jesus completes a decision card with their personal information so that the Pastors in each area can follow up with them and invite them to their Churches to further their spiritual growth.  Read More
Pakistan Will Be Saved
by Pastor Richard Spears on April 3rd, 2024
Through our on-line evangelistic meetings in Pakistan we are reaching Pakistani's who are hungry for a touch from God. The people are receiving salvation and being healed by the power of God.  Read More
God Is Doing Big Things In Pakistan
by Richard Spears on November 30th, 2023
We were believing God for a big move in Pakistan! On November 14th, we held our largest online meeting since we began doing ministry in Pakistan. We had over 2,000 people in attendance and God touched people in a powerful way!   Read More
Pakistan Experiences the Power of God!
by Richard Spears on July 18th, 2023
We serve a God of signs, wonders and miracles! Through our on-line Friday night live evangelism meetings with our partners in Pakistan, we have documented 862 miracles and healings in just 14 meetings. God's Word says in Hebrews 2:4, that when we preach the Gospel, God will confirm His Word with signs, wonders and miracles. We serve a God who is alive and actively working in the lives of His people! We are so thankful for what God has been doing!  Read More
Pakistan for Jesus!
by Richard Spears on June 1st, 2023
Dear Friends and Partners, We are bringing the gospel to one of the most persecuted people in the world. Our team on the ground are going to remote areas in Pakistan so that the good news can be shared. The people are hungry for the Word of God and know that Jesus is there only hope.  Read More
Pakistan Friday Night Live
by Richard Spears on April 25th, 2023
Hello Friends and Partners,At the time of this praise report, our Revival Now team in Pakistan as well as Evangelist Dan and the Revival Now team USA has now conducted 6 Friday Night Live Evangelism Meetings. By using the Revival Now studio connected with Zoom, we are bringing the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a people hungry for the Word of God.  With your help we are able to reach a nati...  Read More