Revival is Now

Be a part of the vision to reach

1 Million Souls by 2031

Reaching Souls in New Places

You have the power to connect and spread the gospel by investing in the work alongside Revival Now's team.  We can't wait to welcome you into this great work. We are excited about what God is doing in our ministry as we reach people with the Good News of the Gospel! NOW is the time to invest in Kingdom impact.

Revival Crusades for Africa

The Bible says "But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? (Romans 10:14)  By partnering with us, you can be a part of taking the gospel to the nations through our festival crusades and see the nations shaken by the power of God.

Revival in Schools

We are seeing Junior & High School age students in east/central Africa being transformed by the power and love of God. Students are experiencing a life of hope and freedom as our team practically teaches how the Bible applies to their lives. When you partner with our team, you are making an eternal impact with a generation of young people hungry for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Revival Digital

Bringing Revival is at the heart of what we do. Whether through on-line Revival meetings with our global partners, or content that stirs your faith to believe God, our digital platforms are impacting thousands!  

How can i be saved

Jesus Christ desires to have a personal relationship with you. He wants to revolutionize your life and forgive you and give you hope. He wants to give you a fresh start. As God's creation, you were built for relationship with Him. When you say yes to Jesus, your life will never be the same!

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Become A Partner

God is doing amazing things through the ministry of Revival Now. We are seeing thousands come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and people are being healed from sickness & disease and demonic oppression. We are seeing the doors opening for global evangelism as never before, but we need partners like you. If you have ever desired to see God's Kingdom advanced in your generation, NOW is the time. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest on what is happening. And when you partner with us, we believe your financial seed, to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ, will unlock an uncommon blessing in your life! 

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