revival Crusades

Today, there are rural areas in east and central Africa where the gospel has yet to take root. When the gospel is boldly proclaimed through our ARISE CRUSADES, entire villages and communities are radically set free by the POWER of GOD

Why they Work

We preach the most powerful message on the planet...... The Gospel of Jesus Christ with the evidence of signs, wonders and miracles.

On the Ground

Through our ARISE festival gospel crusades we bring hope to massive crowds drawing them into the tangible presence of God. 

Digital World

We provide the resources to Pastors and leaders who receive these new believers. We leave, but we stay connected in discipleship.

Participating in A Crusade from afar changes You

You can play a key role, as a monthly MINISTRY PARTNER, in CHANGING LIVES all year long. And you make yourself available to reap all the life-changing blessings that are promised to those who partner in advancing the Gospel. What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. (Ephesians 6:8) 

Your participation helps us...

Share Hope and Freedom that can only be found in Jesus Christ
Conduct an ARISE festival crusade with national and local artists reaching thousands
Connect new believers with local Pastors, Leaders and Churches
Provide discipleship materials to support new believers in their relationship with Jesus

What we See

We see thousands of precious people receive salvation through Jesus. We see the blind eyes opened. We see hearing restored. We see God's Power heal sickness & disease and free people from demonic oppression. We see HOPE and JOY returning to those who were lost. 

How it works

We plan and prepare 6 to 8 months in advance to conduct life changing gospel crusades. The impact we have witnessed...
confirms that it is worth it.

1. Ahead of the ARISE Crusade

Our crusade director establishes relationships with area churches to build ministry teams, define resources and teaching topics for the local church. We know exactly what's needed before we arrive in Africa. Our advertising campaign begins months before the event.  

2. We Train the Local Church

We equip up to 300 people how to do to 1 on 1 street evangelism and provide the tools to be successful. We hold conferences for Pastors, Leaders and Women for the local churches to ignite a passion to evangelize and win souls as they recognize that the return of Jesus is near.

3. The Week of The Crusade

Street evangelism happens door to door for 12 days leading up to and during the Crusade. God moves powerfully as our team prays for the sick and oppressed. Our final marketing push occurs as our teams hand out brochures, hang posters and share through local tv and radio. 

4. The Days Of The Crusade

Months of preparation leads to our 3-City, 5 day ARISE crusades with influential African worship artists and powerful preaching of the Gospel. Thousands will be touched by the Power of God and believers receive discipleship material and contact from local Pastors. 

ARISE 3-City Crusade

Kahama, Katoro-Geita & Kasulu, Tanzania (June-July 2024)

3 City Crusade Results: Ministered to 396,205 people, 101,757 documented decisions for Jesus, 1,476 people healed and delivered!
  • Three City Crusade Dates: June 17th - July 7th, 2024
  • Kahama: June 17th - 23rd
  • Katoro-Geita: June 24th - 30th
  • Kasulu: July 1st - 7th
  • Training 300 Street Evangelists at each location
  • Street evangelism will be conducted 12 days at each location
  • 2 Day Pastor and Leaders Conference at each location
  • 2 Day Women's Conference at each location
  • 4 Day National FPCT Church Conference from June 13th - 16th
  • There will be thousands saved and touched by the Power of God!