School Ministry

Impacting Generations

What is Revival Now School Ministry

Revival Now School Ministry impacts Junior High and High School age students with a unique approach that transforms the Spirit, Soul and Body of young people.   When we visit a school we share the Good News about Jesus that impacts their SPIRIT.  They have an encounter with the one true God that changes their eternal destiny.  We bring practical biblical teaching that impacts their mental health and the SOUL of who they are when right thinking is applied.  And lastly, we teach about the Law & Order of their nation and the consequences of choices made that will affect their BODY. Whether they remain free productive citizens or become incarcerated.  Through this dynamic approach, we show them a vision for their life, hope to the hurting and powerful insights that help them to thrive in life!

Where do Revival Now School Ministries Go?

Revival Now School Ministries currently operates in the nation of Kenya at the Junior and High School levels.  We work with Christian Union, an organization which shares the Gospel and disciples students, to arrange life changing sessions that impact the next generation of Kenya. Our school ministry had its start in the western part of Kenya but has been expanding to other regions of the country.

How are the School sessions Structured?

We have 2 approaches to connect with the Students
1. Basic Meeting: One hour  weekday session with 1 school sharing on the topics outlined above.
2. Weekend Challenge: A theme is established with multiple sessions with multiple area schools that go more deeply into the topics outlined above.

who leads the revival Now School Ministry?

The leadership of Revival Now has equipped gifted ministers in Kenya to carry out the mission of impacting the young people of their nation.  These ministers carry the anointing of God and we are experiencing thousands of  decisions for Jesus along with  miracles and healings, that has been truly amazing!

Want to learn more?

Contact us and we will gladly share more about this powerful ministry!